Almost Right by Barry Hughes

Well, they almost got it right. The spirit was there. They showed up. The hard work was done. They ALMOST got it right. “You Rook” doesn’t quite carry the same energy as “You Rock!”
As I walked away I couldn’t help but think about God and God’s Grace. So often we don’t get life just right. Oh, the spirit was there. We showed up. We put in the work. And we ALMOST got it right. But an ill- considered word, a selfish motive, a lack of compassion or understanding keeps us from experiencing the joy that comes from getting it all the way right. We know the difference, whether we like to admit it or not. The gap between “almost right” and exactly right can be minuscule or huge. Either way, it’s still almost.
The Good News is that God takes our “almost right” and still uses us to be a blessing. God takes our “almost right” and feeds the hungry, gives shelter the homeless, and inspires hope in the hopeless. God takes our “almost right” and encourages folk in dire situations and circumstances.
So, today let’s give it our very best, knowing that even if it turns out only “almost right”, God will use it to the good of the world.
After all, “you rook!”


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