Do Unto Others by Barry Hughes

As I made my rounds in the neighborhood, someone had added this sign to their yard. I have seen signs like this, or other versions of them, around for years, but never here at this particular spot. But I do know that in the hot afternoons, this yard is full of children from all along the block as the slip and slide and other water toys offer relief from the sun - and an opportunity for parents to visit. This yard is the site of much happiness these days.

The sign brought to mind a truth I learned as a small child in Sunday School. It was once accepted as the foundation of Christian ethics, and hopefully it will return to that important role in the future. It was called the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Simply profound and profoundly simple. 

Drive like your kids live here. What if we drove through life embracing this idea? 
What if we made the commitment, not just to refrain from harmful or disrespectful acts but to actively pursue acts of kindness? What if we left behind apathy for the plight of others and offered acts of compassion? What if we moved beyond just not hating another to listening to the other’s stories and building relationships? What if we acted, in all situations and at all times, out of a love that desires the other to know all the best life has to offer? 

Perhaps there is something we can do in these days when we can so easily feel overwhelmed by the challenges and pain that surround us. We can all drive like our kids live here.


By Barry Hughes 


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