6 Feet by Barry Hughes

I am always thrilled when I come across a sidewalk or driveway that has served as the canvas for a little neighbor. Sadly, it seems a long, long time since I have seen any sign of chalk around the neighborhood, so this uncomplicated offering caught my eye. Two simple hearts. One simple message: “6 ft”. As in 6 ft apart. These little ones have gotten the message of the hour. These hearts are actually 6 ft apart!
6 has become the most important number in these long days of the pandemic. For people of all ages it will forever forward be the the number of social distancing. The number that represents safe. The number that represents health. The number that represents respect for others. The number that has changed how we look at crowds and groups and lines at the grocery store. 6 has indeed become the most important number.
I like that my neighbors placed the number in a heart. A heart is the happiest of shapes and a shape that always makes me smile. The heart shape is a universal sign. Doesn’t everyone know what it represents? I imagine that the shape has been on valentines since the beginning of valentines. I imagine that it has been written in notes for as long as people have been falling in love. It is now an emoji that expresses deep feelings more often clearly than a hundred words ever could.
This driveway message reminds us that sometimes we do things out of love for others, pure and simple. Sometimes we choose our actions so that others know that we care, or that we understand, or that we care even if we don’t understand. I find it helpful in these days to be reminded that everything is not about me. My world is still full of neighbors, even if we are standing 6 ft apart.


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