Invitations by Barry Hughes
Today I had to smile as I came across this scene on my walk. My little neighbors had decided to be generous and share from their bounty. They had strategically placed this large paper bag of toys on the corner, surrounded by other toys of various kinds and various sizes. The sign says it all: “Anybody can take anything out of this bag.”
I like that so much better than the more common “Free Toys” or a simple “Free.” These little ones were very clear about the invitation. They were specific about the offer. “Anybody can take anything out of this bag.” No limits here. The generosity of this family includes all the “anybodys” who might pass by. Kids they know. Kids they have never met. Neighbors they see on a regular basis. Total strangers. Just “anybody” can come and receive what they need.
What a powerful invitation to offer the world. On a grand scale, The Statue of Liberty holds up the words of Emma Lazarus, “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”. In a profound way the Communion table of my faith offers an open invitation to all us “anybody’s”: “Christ invites to his table all who love him, who earnestly repent of their sins and seek to live in peace with one another.”
When we are on the receiving end of such invitations, it can change our life. To be included. To truly belong. To cease being invisible and to become known by another. But it also can change our life to offer such invitations. Who might we meet that expands our understanding of the world? Who might we meet that brings great joy into our life? Who might we meet that changes the way we look at ourselves and helps us to grow more fully into the person we long to be?
I am grateful to have been included in many invitations offered to “anybody”. I’m going to be more intentional about offering such invitations to others.
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