Gift of Surprise
There was no walk this morning. The weather won the day. The thunder rolled and the lightning flashed throughout the night, and to my surprise, the rain hung on too far into the morning to allow my walk. I was very disappointed to break my routine, but such days have been few and far between over these past five months or so.
It helps that I have always loved rainy weather.
For starters, I deeply love temperatures below 100 degrees. I love the cool breeze that carries the rain. I love the sound of the big, heavy summer drops of rain on roof and window. I love the way the light changes with the arrival of the cold front. All seem to beckon one to slow down, to read a good book, to hit the snooze and roll over and steal a few minutes back from the relentless race of time that begins anew each day. Rainy days are wonderful gifts in the midst of the miserable Texas heat.
Even for those of us who live by strict routine, the occasional unplanned change is good for the soul. As disconcerting as it may be, such days allow room for the gift of surprise. We can be surprised with what might fill that suddenly free block of time on our calendar. Sometimes, that “what” is exactly what we need.
A few beautiful moments of rest and peace. A serendipitous opportunity for reflection and prayer. The feeling of being overwhelmed by our love for another, or by another’s love for us. Gratitude for all we have. A new awareness of what we truly need. The gift of beautiful memories that float to the surface of our minds unbidden. A chance to breathe deeply from the depths of both body and soul.
Sometimes a disruption in the best made of plans can allow the gift of surprise. Sometimes we can be surprised all the way into a new life.
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