Embrace Each Moment
What a beautiful sight drifted into my life today! Silently, blowing on the wind, this colorful balloon appeared and disappeared in the matter of a moment. I could see the people blessed to be riding in the gondola. We even shared a wave as they floated past.
Sometimes gifts are that way. They come unexpectedly and they pass through our life all too quickly. But they do make a difference in the time they grace our life. A beautiful sunrise or sunset. A piece of music that stirs the soul. The laughter of playing children. A book that has found the words for our life that we could never seem to find ourselves. A person who loves us in a way that changes us in an instant with a change that lasts long after our instant with them has past.
Not all the best things in life are long lived in nature. Rose Kennedy said, “Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments.” Meaning can come to us in any moment. Insight can flash. Beauty can float by. Joy can surprise. Love can transform. Hope can appear out of despair. All these moments are what add up to our lives. All these moments go in to making us who we are. May we embrace each moment, no matter how fleeting, as a gift.
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