Follow the Light

As I have walked the neighborhood over these months, I have noticed how many yards have old school gas lights near where the driveway meets the street. Beginning no doubt long ago, the vast majority of these lights were converted from their original gas to electric. This is not noticeable during the day, for obvious reasons. But now that my journey begins in the dark, those lights that still burn gas are easy to identify.
This particular light was beautiful this morning. The gas flame appeared a perfect ball of orange in the cool darkness, suspended at about eye level for this 6’ 3” traveler. It definitely drew me down the block.
Jesus taught that we should “let our lights so shine before before others that they might see our good works and glorify God the Father in heaven.” This gas light, glowing in the darkness, reminded me that we humans really are drawn to the light like moths to a flame. We are intrigued by the light. We are curious about the light.
When I was a boy, I lived not far from a “ghost light”. You could go to a certain place on a certain stretch of remote road at a certain window of time and wait. Inexplicably there would appear a mysterious moving light. It was a favorite place to go as teenagers late at night when there was nothing else to do for entertainment. I wonder if that is still a thing.
In these days I can’t help but feel that many are looking for a light. There is a growing sense that we can be more than we are, that this world should be a kinder, more compassionate place, that we are capable of moving past where we are into a brighter, healthier future. We need to follow the light. We need to be the light.



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