Perfect Peace


I read somewhere that there is a small copper globe, crafted in 1510, that contains the Latin inscription, “Hic sunt dragones”, printed over the uncharted territory off the southeast coast of Asia. “Here be dragons” is the English equivalent. The unknown, the frightening, the mysterious were often referred to in terms of sea monsters and beasties and dragons.
Dragons are HUGE in the neighborhood this Halloween. I don’t recall ever seeing a dragon in all my childhood Halloweens in Mabelvale, Arkansas. A few ghosts, a random devil, and a couple of good skeletons would have been quite a sight in our minimalist world back in the day. Mostly you’d just see a pumpkin or two. But no more. People are all in on decorating for Halloween. And this year it’s dragons.
Some of my neighborhood dragons, like this one, appear to be friendly. And if not friendly, at least not vicious or Some are small, some are large and looming. Some are scary. They come in all colors. Some are flying, some are standing, some are sitting. Who knew there was so much diversity among dragons?
I suppose that if dragons represent the frightening unknown, this all makes sense. Our unknown and unchartered territories come in all shapes and sizes. What frightens us can be as big and overwhelming as a pandemic or as seemingly small as an unwanted change of plans. Sometimes our fears fly through our life, here and gone in short order. Others come and make themselves at home. Sometimes we can’t seem to sail far enough to get back to known waters.
One of the verses I recall from my childhood is from Isaiah, “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” This verse assumes that there “be dragons”. But even so, peace can still be found if we focus on the God who loves us in the midst of our unchartered unknowns. We just need to keep sailing.


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