His Steadfast Love Endures Forever


Well, this settles the question. As I walked the streets of my neighborhood it was interesting to see that some houses still had out turkeys and other Thanksgiving decorations while others were full court press on to Christmas. I wonder where the line actually is on this important matter. Are they written somewhere, these rules that determine when and what goes up when and where? But ultimately it doesn’t matter at this house. The pumpkins are at the curb. The harvest celebrations has passed. The next season’s time has come.
It is hard, at times, to roll along with the seasons. We can find ourselves so set in our ways that we fight against change on principle, even if the change is good. We may stand against change because we are too tangled up in personal relationships that we are blind to the bigger picture of what is needed and what is best. Sometimes we just like things like they are and we want to stay awhile. Truthfully, most of us suffer from all of the above at one time or another. The passing of time and the change that comes is always a challenge, partly because we can’t find that list of rules.
It seems to me that the key to navigating the change we all inevitably face is to find a few constants and hold fast to them as we move through our seasons. Those rare and beautiful people in our lives that are always there and can always be trusted. The values that determine who we are and upon which we build a strong foundation for life. And, most importantly, a relationship with God.
In reading the Hebrew Scriptures, one of the things that captures my attention is how often we find the words, “ His steadfast love endures forever” and “generation to generation”. Words written by people, who like us, are caught up in an ever-changing world and living in times of great upheaval. They were not delusional. They did not deny reality. They wrestled snd struggled each day and each year with change, as do we. But they kept their eyes on the steady truth of God’s love and presence. And, through all the changes, they were still standing to pass along a faith that can still guide us today.
Our pumpkins are out. Our tree is up. Another year - and a difficult one at that - has almost rolled past. But here we are. God’s steadfast love endures forever.


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