And I Believe
Brilliant sun and frosty breath,
Perfect for this Holy day.
The church house warm with poinsettias
Chrismons struggling to describe the “who”
Of this one soon to come, beyond description.
How does one describe love and do it justice?
How does one point to a baby and claim
He is God?
Both impossible, both absurd.
But we long so desperately to know both
As our own.
I have no words for either love or God,
Though long I have studied so many words,
Too many words.
But I know this - love is that baby and that
Baby is God,
For in the end they are but one and the same.
How do I know, if all my years of seeking
Leave me lacking?
I know because I have known the touch
Of brilliant sun and frosty breath on many
Days more than this one day,
When all creation seems to sing and
Even my heart knows, for a blessed moment,
I know because I see the truth in you,
In eyes filled with both love indescribable
And with God.
And I believe.
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