Light Shines in the Darkness


The services are done, the gifts are opened. Calls have been made and too much food has been eaten. The big day is past. It is quiet and life seeks to return to its normal rhythm.
As I arrived early on Sunday morning to the church, it was quiet snd still. I checked the pews and cleaned up a bit in preparation for the few hardy souls who would come back so soon to worship once again. I always turn on the lights on the tree, enjoying the beauty while I may. Soon the sun began to rise and I turned off the sanctuary lights as I headed to my office to go over my sermon a few times before anyone else arrived. I looked back and caught this lovely sight.
The Chrismon tree aglow, its lights reflecting on the white and gold symbols for the baby whose birthday we celebrated just three days ago. Lion. Lamb. King. Prince of Peace. So many names for this one beyond description.
The morning sun, rising outside these walls, was beginning to set afire the colors of the stained glass and push back the darkness of the empty room. Light from both without and within, winning the battle as the light prevails, silently proclaiming what my decades of words upon words upon words have never done justice:
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”


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