Love is Transformational


From the looks of the neighborhood, it must be getting close to that special day. Where there was once ghosts, where there were once reindeer, now appear hearts of various sizes. This little donkey that I see every day even got into the act. This big red heart keeps him company on the front lawn. So, what other reason could there possibly be? It must be February. And it must be close to Valentine’s Day.
As the day approaches, there will be lots of candy purchased and flowers given by the thousands. Stores will sell out of cards and gift bags. This holiday is a big deal. People seem to get into the spirit. It seems everybody wants to be loved and to love. At least on Valentines Day.
Love is a powerful thing. Lucky are those who know what it is to be truly loved. Broken hearted are those who know the pain of being unloved, or worse yet, feeling unlovable. In any of these ways, love is a very, very powerful force in our lives and in our world.
Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.” This is the truth, even if the enemy who needs transformation is ourself. Jesus said that we should love one another as he loved us, and his love went to the extreme of giving his life for us to know that love. The writer of the little letter we call 1 John writes, “Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.” Jesus taught that we should be known to all by our love, that love matters. Love has the power to change us. Love has the power to change others. Love has the power to change the world. In fact, love is the only thing that can.


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