Storms Do End


It is hard to believe, as the temperature climbs into the seventies, that just five days ago we were freezing in an unprecedented snowfall and record low temperatures. We went from busted, frozen pipes at the church on Tuesday, to wishing the heat was not working so well as I preached In my robe and stole and sweated my way through my sermon on Sunday. My, how things change!
But change they do. All week, the little garden outside my office door was piled deep with snow. Now there remains only this small patch, hanging on for dear life. In fact, at the end of the day when I left, the snow was but a memory. All now appears to be well on its way to Spring.
Storms are like that, aren’t they? They roll in, disruptive and all consuming. It soon seems as if we can’t even remember life before. But storms also roll out. Some stay for a day, some hang on for so long it seems we will not be able to endure them. But the snow melts, the roads clear and clean up begins. Life continues moving forward.
The Psalmist writes, “He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed.” We can take heart. Storms do end. Skies do clear. Pipes do thaw and plumbers do eventually arrive. The snow shrinks into nothing but a memory, but we remain. We remain to see clear skies and feel the warmth of the sun on our faces once again. We remain to see other storms. But we remain, alive in God’s grace and empowered by love.


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