Tender Mercy to Troubled Lives


As the winter storm and its effects are hopefully winding down, we now assess the damage. Broken pipes. Wet floors. Damaged walls and ceilings. Frayed nerves. Exhausted minds and bodies. Long waiting lists for the services of those who can help us recover from it all. The idea of record cold and accumulation have long ago given way to other feelings and hard questions. The snow is no longer white and beautiful. We are so ready to move on.
In our baptismal garden at the church, the snow was truly beautiful. As I entered this space for the first time after the last snow of the stormy week, I thought the font looked like a half-eaten ice cream cone. Then I saw the cross, mounted on the wall on the opposite side from which I had entered. It seemed to be planted in the snow on the font. It appeared to be rising like a sun over the horizon of the snow-filled font.
It is my prayer for all who are tired and frustrated from the effects of the storm sense that something is rising on their horizon. Something calm and peaceful. Something warm and dry. Something restful and filled with joy.
The scriptures proclaim, “Because of the tender mercy of our God,
With which the Sunrise from on high will visit us,
To shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death,
To guide our feet into the way of peace.”
May today bring the dawn of tender mercy to troubled lives.


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