Joy and Responsibility


Cloud formations like this always make me think of science fiction movies. The play of light and shadow, the break in the clouds, the magic of the dusk - all these combine to give a mysterious, ominous, yet beautiful energy to the sky. This portal into space holds infinite possibilities. In the old sci-fi movies, someone would be either coming or going through such a sky in a highly stylized ship. Human and alien were about to meet face to face; usually it didn’t go well.
As a child, such a sky would also remind me of church talk about the second coming of Christ - trumpets sounding and clouds parting and judgement coming. The songs we sang about that day would play in my head and I would be considerably more anxious than I was at the thought of aliens landing on earth! All this at the sight of clouds in the darkening skies of evening.
Interesting how a sight as beautiful as these clouds can spark such vivid memories, especially memories with a bit of an edge to them. But I suppose that is true to the way we experience life. There are often two sides to an experience. We land that dream job and we have to move from people we love. Our children do well in school as they grow up too fast. We make a decision to put down roots and buy a house and our obligations suddenly determine our lifestyle.
During this season of Lent, we seek to grow closer to God, only to find that with that decision comes not just the joy but the responsibility. The burden of love can grow heavy as we feel the pain of those around us. The call to service can overwhelm us as we see the depth of need surrounding us. A commitment to the Gospel can be frustrating as we see people act in opposition to all that the Good News proclaims, all the while blaming God for their behavior.
But we must never fail to see the beauty in it all. Through those clouds come a reminder that God is with us in it all and through it all. Rain or shine. Joy or responsibility. Strength or weakness. Understanding or frustration. Faith or doubt. The constant in this crazy, double-sided coin of life is God’s presence. And that is always a beautiful thing.


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