Open My Eyes


have walked through the beautiful baptismal garden at my church countless times across the years. Since my fractured leg and the accompanying boot, I am walking at church exclusively to keep my commitment to our 40 Day Challenge during the season of Lent. Which means I walk this way almost every day. Which means I have to wonder why it took me so long to notice this sculpture of a bird.
This delicate metal outline is planted in the bed, a couple of inches from the stone wall. It seems at the same time engraved in the wall and flying free. Once this graceful bird caught my eye, it never fails to be the first thing I see. It makes my heart glad every time I pass.
It makes me wonder about what else I have failed to notice in my everyday busyness. What other beautiful things have been mine to see and touch? What beautiful people have I passed day after day, failing to notice the gifts they bring to the world or the gift they are themselves? In the words of the old Gospel hymn, “Open my eyes, that I may see...” I would like to truly see the world around me this day.


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