Unplanned Gifts
Walking around the church at the end of the day has many benefits, one of which is the opportunity to see a beautiful Texas sunset. The clouds are illuminated in such a brilliant fashion that it seems to be the result of a movie studio’s special effects. I never grow tired of taking a pause to savor the great wonder and beauty of the moment.
A wise one wrote, “Never waste any amount of time doing anything important when there is a sunset outside that you should be sitting under!” I am coming to believe that this would not be a bad philosophy for living. To enjoy this gift takes but a moment. I imagine most everything else can keep until the darkness begins to fall.
My mind then turns to other gifts that come unplanned and pass through our lives quickly. Laughter. Memories. The meeting of eyes that are filled with love. A moment of silence shared in the midst of a hectic and chaotic world. The sense that God is present. All of these can come unbidden into our lives, and then pass as quickly as they came. But what power they can hold. What a difference they can make in a day. What a difference such gifts can make In our lives. May we have eyes to see. May we take time to enjoy.
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