Follow the Light


Sometimes the light strikes just so in the sanctuary. Sometimes it is the way the stained glass paints the pews. Sometimes it is the floor of the chancel that is turned into a kaleidoscope of color. This day, it was the light shining on the communion table.
I was walking through the narthex when it caught my attention. The sunlight was shining right down through the cupola onto the Bible. It certainly captured my attention. I stopped and went into the sanctuary. It was a nice pause and an unexpected joy.
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” I have known those words since I was a little boy. It must have been one of my first Sunday School memory verses. But today I not only knew those words, I SAW them.
It was a powerful reminder that Jesus is the living Word. Jesus is the embodiment of all God is and all God desires. He is the “light of the world”. As we strive to follow Jesus in all we do and all we say, the word then truly becomes a “lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” It is Jesus whom we follow. And Jesus always leads us to God and to where God wants us to be and to what God wants us to do.
What would happen if we followed the light? How would we treat one another? How would we treat ourselves? How might we come together into a community in ways that would change our lives, the lives of others and the world?


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