To Have Eyes that See
For some reason, I found myself surrounded by color in the middle of winter. It could have been that the sun was at just the precise angle to illuminate the scene, but I noticed for the first time the beautiful red bushes that line the front of the building. How could it be that I missed seeing them day after day?
I can think of a few reasons. It is not hard to believe that I can be so in my head at times that I am oblivious to what is happening around me. I could have been returning calls or reading emails on my phone as I passed by on the sidewalk. My eyes and attention could have been to the other side of the driveway where a new building is being completed. For whatever reasons, I missed this beautiful sight day after day.
We can miss seeing things of great importance and significance if we allow ourselves to be constantly distracted. Yes, we can miss the beauty of the world around us. But we can also miss seeing people who both need to be seen and that we need to see. We can miss laughter and inspiration. We can miss moments of peace and calm. Every day can be full of wonder and surprise. What a shame to miss out on any of the blessings that could be ours.
We read in scripture that “…no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him…”. I don’t believe that this is only true of some experience in the future. I believe these words also speak of the possibilities in each and every day. Oh, to have eyes to see all that God has blessed each day.
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