A Future of Peace


I have walked the streets of my neighborhood for so many miles that I now have thoughts and memories associated with a few stops along the way. This tree, for example, always makes me think of the future. It reminds me of the cartoon series, “The Jetsons”. For some reason the carefully pruned shape of this tree reminds me of the buildings in that show. When this tree comes into my view, I hear that catchy theme song and picture the family: George, Jane, Judy and Elroy. I see the robot Rosie and, of course, their faithful talking dog Astro. The sight of this tree never fails to make me smile.
But as much as I enjoy the trip down memory lane, I also like the fact that the tree turns my thoughts to what lies ahead. When I was a boy, that meant looking forward to flying cars, jet packs, amazing household conveniences and talking dogs. These days, my thoughts of the future are less complicated and more personal. I think of friends who are battling illness and my hope for their return to health. I think of the insanity of our divided society and hope for the return to a sense of the common good. I think of the people of Ukraine and hope for peace. I think of the marginalized everywhere and hope for justice.
The Psalmist writes of the future this way, “Consider the blameless, observe the upright; a future awaits those who seek peace.” May our seeking lead us to working for a future that is a blessing to all people. May our lives be used of God to create for all the peace we long to see in the future. May we trust God with the future - and be a part of the shaping of the world that lies ahead by living lives of peace.


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