God is Mindful of Us


Is there anything more beautiful than the many aspects of the play of light and cloud and color in the sky? Sunrises. Sunsets. The dramatic light and shade on a cloudy day. It seems the gift of an ever-changing canvas on which indescribable beauty is constantly renewed.
I join the Psalmist in these words, “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” A scene such as this astounding sky always makes me feel humble and reverent. It also makes me feel small, not in a bad way, but in amazement that in the scheme of all creation, I matter to God. Somehow, in some way, I am known and loved. I fit into this grand creation. I, in some way beyond my comprehension, matter.
Best of all, such a sight reminds me that this is true of all people everywhere. This is true of people, both like me and very different from me. This is true of people who agree with me and those who disagree with me. This is true of people who believe like me and those who do not. We are all known and loved. Both the light and the clouds cover us all. God is mindful of us. God cares for us. May we return the same to God and to one another.


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