God is Present Even in the Silence
I began these daily walks and musings when the pandemic first crashed into our lives. It is hard to believe that around two years have passed. In some ways, the time has flown. In other ways, it seems to drag on as never before. As I continue to travel the streets and sidewalks of my neighborhood, I remember certain moments from the many miles I’ve covered.
On a walk in the early days of this journey, I remember hearing the deep, rich sound of chimes floating on the breeze. As I walked in the quiet of the morning, I searched for the source. I finally found these chimes and paused to listen to their beautiful music. Now I look for them each time I walk their street.
On this day, I was struck by the silence. The day was as still as could be, not a leaf stirring. I paused and waited to hear at least a note or two of their song, but to no avail. So I moved on, driven by the clock and schedule. But as I walked, I still took comfort in knowing that the chimes were there and that the music would not be silenced for long. It would play again when the breeze stirred.
I am mindful that God is present, even when God seems silent. I take comfort in knowing where to look for God as I make my way through this world. I am blessed to be able to recall the music in those times when the breeze is not stirring. It is a source of strength.
I hear the words of the Psalmist, even in the silence:
“Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.”
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