Hope Remains
Today we awake to Ash Wednesday. In my faith tradition, this day begins the season of Lent, a time of reflection, prayer and discipline that prepares us to fully celebrate Easter. Lent is a period of roughly 40 days leading up to that high holy day. Some people give up something they love as a reminder to tend to their souls and make more room for God in their life. Others take up a new practice that will help them deepen their awareness of God in the everydays of their lives. As a community of faith, we focus on walking with each other through the journey of growth with all its joys and struggles.
As I came upon the bridge that spans the creek in our neighborhood park, the water was low and the winter weather had left behind dead leaves and limbs. It was a harsh and barren sight. But then I caught a glimpse of the sun reflecting off the water just downstream. Through the dormant trees I saw that the life of the creek continued on.
This season reminds us that, though our lives go through seasons and are filled with all the ups and downs of the human experience, there is hope. It might be hard to grasp, it might be hidden by the trees, but hope remains. Lent reminds us that we all share a need for forgiveness. Lent reminds us that we are all equally forgiven by a loving God. We are brothers and sisters on this journey. We are not alone. Together we journey toward hope.
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