"Let Some Things Go" by Barry Hughes
This time there was not one, but two, basketballs. They were a perfect pair with their matching green color. It made me wonder from whence they came. How far upstream might one find their home? It made me wonder how both managed to not roll over the spillway when the water was raging. Then again, perhaps there were more than two green basketballs that began the journey. How many may have continued on? Now these two just float, waiting to be rescued and returned to play.
Sometimes the same thing happens in our lives. Storms come. Our waters rage. When the storm passes, some things are cleansed from our lives and some remain. Always we begin again. This season of Lent is a time when we are invited to sort through the things in our life. What is it about ourselves we most enjoy? What is it about ourselves we wish we could change? Who are we, at the heart of us? Who would we like to be, at the heart of us? What would we most like to accomplish? What do we desire our legacy to be? Are we living fully into our relationship with God? What could we do to draw us closer to God?
These are the questions of the season. We can reflect on the answers, whether we happen to be in a storm at the moment or not. We can find answers, if we are willing to let some things go over the spillway. Then, in faith, we can live into what remains and grow more fully into the people we are called to be.
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