Love, Grace, & Forgiveness


If you walk with me from time to time, you probably know that I love the way the early morning light plays through the stained glass in the sanctuary of the church. The colors reflect in such interesting ways. I never cease to be amazed at how vivid the colors in those reflections can be.
The Lenten banners are up for the season. They represent the feel of these six weeks very well. The rich color of purple. The rough burlap fabric. The small crosses, painted by worshipers at an Ash Wednesday service years ago. The words of the old hymn, “Beneath the cross of Jesus…” But on this morning the somber tone is ever so gently backlit with the colors of the windows. Through the cross glows hope. Through the rough burlap glows beauty. Through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus glows love and grace and forgiveness. It was a beautiful sight, this glimpse of Easter in the middle of this period of deep reflection on our mortality and sin.
May we always be able to catch a glimpse of such love and grace and forgiveness when we travel through the rough places in our lives. May we always be the reflection of God’s love and grace and forgiveness in the lives of others.


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