
As the sun was setting on a very busy day, the sky glowed orange and red. It was a truly spectacular sight. The sun was so bright that everything else appeared blacked out against it. The contrast was stark and dramatic.
Growing up, I dreamed of going on a safari to see the majestic creatures and dramatic landscapes I had read about or seen on film. From the books and movies and television shows of my childhood, this is how an evening on safari begins. I found myself looking for a giraffe’s silhouette slowly moving across the horizon. My imagination kicked in and picked up where it left off many decades ago.
Memories are powerful things, whether they remind us of happy times or sad. Memories can give us strength and they can help guide our decisions. In a way, over time, even the memories of our hardest moments can give us strength by reminding us that, in spite of the struggle, here we are.
The Psalmist writes, “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.” It is good to remember. Our memories remind us of who we are and from whence we came. Our memories also remind us of who others have been to us across the years of our lives. Through our memories we can see how God has been with us through it all.



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