Touch of Awe & Wonder
As I made my way through the streets of my neighborhood, I saw in the distance a very interesting sight. Upon further inspection, what appeared to be a big surprised face turned out to be some type of net. I suppose it is used for some type of sports practice; perhaps golf or frisbee? I don’t know because no one was in the yard using it at the time. All I know is that I like the thought of a big face greeting each day in the neighborhood with awe and wonder. The net does not form a smile, but I think that a look of awe and wonder might be even better. What if all who pass were reminded that the world is a fascinating place full of wonder?
The Psalmist writes, “They who dwell in the ends of the earth stand in awe of Your signs;
You make the dawn and the sunset shout for joy.”
It is so easy to be bogged down by the weight of trouble, both our own and that of the larger world. It is easy to walk through our days missing the sunsets and the sunrises. It is easy to be so distracted by our struggles that we miss the amazing gift of waking up to a new day. It is easy to be always looking down and miss the sight of clouds and birds and blue sky.
The Psalmist saw the hint of God in the everyday things we so easily miss. Actually, the poet sees more than a hint of God. There is so much of God to see, they write, that all people stand in awe. If only that were true, this world would be a kinder, more compassionate place. When we are keenly aware of God, we tend to more fully reflect God’s nature. We tend to more lovingly care for the earth. We tend to more lovingly care for each other. Maybe what we need today is a touch of awe and wonder.
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