Love Changes Things


Our area has been experiencing the usual thunderstorms of the season in Texas. Bright, sunny days can shift to torrential downpours in a flash. Then, just as quickly, the sun returns. And it is always interesting to see how the rain changes things.
All manner of trash is swept along by these heavy rains. Brown grass turns green. Weary flowers perk up. On this particular walk, my attention was captured by the pattern of leaves left behind by the runoff, clearly showing where the water had flowed. The leaves were gathered in lines that curve gracefully on a gentle slope toward the creek. The space between the curving rows of leaves was surprisingly free of debris. It was if it had been washed clean by the rain.
As we move into the middle of Holy Week, this reminds me that the love that flowed from God through Jesus long ago continues to flow through the world and through our lives, washing us clean. As with the rain, we can see where the love has flowed. Love changes things. Love changes us. As the Psalmist writes, “Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.” May this be our prayer this Holy Week.


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