God Longs


At the end of a summer shower, I saw this fern,
delicately dappled with drops of rain. The light
shining through the clouds was perfect, softly
highlighting the shades of green and the glistening
In that moment, it was impossible to think of the high temperatures we have experienced already this year. In that moment, it was impossible to think of the extreme cold of the past winter. After a Spring that set records for the number of days with winds over 35 miles per hour, the calm of this moment seemed magical.
And then the news of yet another school shooting left
me speechless. Now the tender green plants seem as
innocent children, gathered in a place where they
should be safe. The droplets of rain seem as the
tears of God, broken hearted at both the loss of life and our lack of resolve to address this inconceivable
The Psalmist writes, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit”. God is with the family and community. God is with all those overwhelmed by the violence. But God is also calling us to a better way. God longs for us to live in safety and in peace. God longs for us to care for one another. God longs. As do we.


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