Reflect God's Love


I had the opportunity to fly down and connect with a group of our youth and adults leaders doing mission work in Baton Rouge. I joined them for dinner and then a trip to enjoy beignets before evening devotions. As we came out of the restaurant, the sunset was beautiful. We enjoyed the moment together as we paused in the parking lot. Then we loaded the vans and headed back to the church.

As we set at a traffic light, my friend and leader of the trip pointed out the amazing reflection of that sunset in the rear windows of the van in front of us which carried the other half of our group. It was indeed spectacular. It was an exact reflection of the evening sky, framed perfectly.

What is it that our life reflects so clearly? Do we reflect love and compassion into the world? Do we reflect hope and faith? Do we reflect Jesus in the ways we see one another and the ways we treat one another?

We read in the letter to the Ephesians that we are “to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” What if we reflected the love of God so well? What difference would it make in others? What difference would it make in us?


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