Embrace Such Gifts
As I walked along through the morning, I reminded myself to look up. The clouds were beautiful, the blue of the sky gaining ground as the day progressed. There were birds in the air providing the accompaniment. But it was this down under view of the treetops that won the day.
The thick, strong limbs reaching ever higher. The green of the leaves stretched like lace between them. As I stood in the cool shade, I felt as if I were in the silent sacred space of some great cathedral. It was a wonderful place to pause and be still. For a moment. I was not in a city or a walking through a bustling neighborhood. I was in one of those wonderful moments where I was alone but not alone, present but transported. It felt like church to me.
Such moments can happen anywhere. After Jacob had a dream about a ladder into heaven, he said,
“How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.”
May we have eyes to see and hearts to embrace such gifts when they come. We live always in the house of God. We need only to pause and see the wonder of it all.
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