Shared Humanity
As another busy, wonderful Sunday came to an end, it was a joy to see this beautiful scene as the day signed off and the night began. The park was teaming with activity as people raced about to get in a little more soccer, a little more bike riding, a little more walking. All kinds of people doing all kinds of things under this same magnificent sky.
This beautiful work of creation brought to mind the words of Jesus who said that God “causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” With all the division in the world, with all the animosity, with all the competitiveness toward one another, we lose sight of the truth that we all are playing out our lives under the same sky. We, with all our differences, share this common human experience with all of its challenges and struggles. We, with all our differences, share this common human experience with all of its beauty and joy.
Our lives play out under the same sky and in pursuit of so many common dreams. Our lives unfold in the one wide circle of God’s love. If only we would see each other from that perspective. If only we would see ourselves from that perspective. How different the world would be for us all if we lived into our shared humanity instead of our differences. How different our lives would be if we all took time each day to enjoy the sunset we share.
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