Change Will Come to Us


For some reason, as I walked toward this piece of furniture awaiting pickup by the city, I thought of C.S. Lewis and his story. For a moment I wondered if I opened the door and stepped in if I would magically appear in another place or time. That thought is at once exciting and frightening. The known is, well, known. That is why change is hard for us as individuals, churches and societies.
But we live in a world of constant, rapid change. How can we navigate these times? How can we weather the changes that come to us, whether we like them or not? The apostle Paul gives these instructions: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” I like that these words acknowledge “every situation”. There are good reasons to be anxious. There are good reasons to feel overwhelmed. But even in these situations, we can focus our lives on God and find the thing we need most in times of change: peace.
We do not need to step through a magical wardrobe to find change, change will come to us. We need to remember that God is already there.


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