Versions of Ourselves
A few times this week different groups at my church painted pumpkins as an activity for classes. Everyone likes to paint a pumpkin, don’t they? The finished products are all interesting. Some are funny, some are serious. Some are mysterious. This one caught my attention immediately. If you know me, you already see why this grabbed me. If you don’t know me, you now could recognize me if we passed in a crowded airport terminal. This pumpkin looks just like me. Grey hair. Closely cropped white beard. Small eye glasses. Yes, it is definitely me. It makes me laugh every time I see the pumpkin version of myself. I can look back on the childhood version of me and remember the television shows I liked, the things I liked to do, my friends with whom I played at recess and after school. I can look back on the teenage version of me and remember the excitement of getting my driver’s license and the anxious need to fit in and be popular. I can look back on my young adult self and feel that need to ...